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Advanced Programs

We can take you and your dog to the next level with our Advanced on-leash and off-leash training programs.

Good training takes time and consistency, please note the pre-requisites or contact us with questions.

14-2 Advanced On-Leash
2 weeks at the Fidelio Studio

Must complete at least a 1-week Board and Train Program

This on-leash program is designed to establish dog/owner communication and give you on-leash control.


During this program, your dog will stay in residence at Fidelio for fourteen full training days and our staff of certified trainers will teach your dog the following on-leash commands: HEEL with Automatic-SIT, SIT at your side, DOWN at your side, and introduce PLACE. Upon completion of this program, your dog will be able to walk on a leash, sit, and lay down patiently at your left side.


This program includes two private follow-up lessons at the FIdelio Studio where you will be taught proper leash handling and given insight into behavior patterns and problems. Your first lesson will take place the day that you pick-up your dog. Your second follow-up lesson must be completed within 14 days after the final date of residency training. Your Certified Professional Trainer will assist with scheduling follow-up lessons when your dog has completed its residency program.


In order for this training program to be successful, it is imperative for owners to work at home to change behaviors as instructed by our trainers. Your willingness to incorporate training and obedience commands into everyday life are crucial for success.


In this program your dog will receive a properly sized training collar and a standard leather leash.


  • $3,150 for 2 week program

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